Contribution Guidelines

Coding Style

  • Use meaningful variable and function names.

  • Write clear and concise docstring comments when necessary.

  • Create usage documentation for new features in the docs folder.

Pull Request Process

  1. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix, starting from dev.

  2. Commit your changes and push your branch to the repository.

  3. Squash your commits into a single commit before creating a pull request.

  4. Create a pull request from your branch to the dev branch.

  5. Wait for the code review and address any comments or feedback.

Naming Conventions


Use the following naming convention for branches: <trigram>/<action>-<short-description>

Example: mra/feat-add-controller


Use the following naming convention for commits: <type>(scope): <description>

Example: feat(client): add new feature

Types can be:

  • feat: a new feature

  • evol: an improvement or enhancement

  • fix: a bug fix

  • hotfix: a critical bug fix

  • docs: documentation changes

  • refact: code refactoring

  • test: adding or updating tests

  • ci: changes to CI/CD configuration

  • wip: work in progress (for temporary commits)


The project uses GitHub Actions for continuous integration and deployment. The CI/CD pipeline runs on every push to the repository and checks the code quality, runs the tests, and builds the project.

  • Check the compilation status.

  • Create a release on the GitHub repository.

Branching Strategy

  • Use master for stable releases.

  • Use dev for ongoing development.

  • Create feature branches from dev for new features.

  • Create hotfix branches from master for urgent fixes.